I have an Uni interview on Thursday (to study Fashion Promotion) and I'm dying of panic. Is this outfit okay to wear do you think? Is the shortness of the skirt trashy? or fash[ion]y?
Opinions please!!
Isn't the skirt a dream? You cant really see it because, as ever, of the dire quality of my photography. I searched h&m's globally for it and found it in sizes 10, 14 and 16. My friend who works in h&m finally found it for me in a 12 before xmas and I only got it yesterday because that was the first time I saw her since before xmas! I love it.
Do you think I should brighten the outfit up with some yellow wedges (see below posts, they're probably there somewhere). I want to reflect my personal style. Not too much of course. Don't think they'd appreciate me wandering in in my umbrella raincoat and cat jumper.
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