So I got my Orange Dye in the mail the other day and decided to bite the bullet and actually use it! So I did my roots (so the colour would be even) and put on what I thought was orange but turned out to be fluorescent fucking orange-pink gone wrong. So now my blonde hair is gone and I have the head of a 90's raver rather than a mermaid. But I guess sometimes life throws obstacles our way and we must deal with it! So I am rocking it to the best of my ability.
I might try and get some different dye soon but for now I shall let my processed locks chillax!
Here is my emotional journey in pictures:
Step 1 - Bleaching my roots. Ouch.
Step 2 - Wash out bleach. Enjoy precious last moments with blonde locks.
Step 3 - Put dye on hair. Realise colour is ker-azy.
Step 4: Rock the glo-stick chic.
Step 5 (optional): Cook soup to match hair. Just for fun!
What do you guys think??
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