So, I listed some stuff on Ebay last week on a 9 day auction. I don't know about anyone else, but I get sooo excited and can't wait for the last day of the auction! So you can imagine my DISGUST when I logged on yesterday, merely 24 hours before the end of my 9 day wait - to see that Ebay had taken it upon themselves to cancel my auctions.
Because I included a harmless link to my blog at the bottom of the auction! Can you believe that? I didn't get any warning at all!
So that means all of the bidders (including someone that had bid up to £51 for my house of holland tee) and all of the watchers were gone. And I had to PAY to relist them. So I'm back to square shitty one. I only re-did them for a 3 day auction though so we'll see what happens. Needless to say I've written a long email of complaint! After all, I do - kinda - make them money from linking to my Ebay on the blog thus sending more bids my way, thus more final value fees their way! I'm so cross.
In better news - I found the white off-the-shoulder Kate Moss for Topshop dress (from last summer) in a charity shop for 4.99 yesterday (it was a day of extreme highs and lows, emotionally!) I couldn't believe my luck! I've whacked it straight on Ebay. Along with other bits:
Thanks for all of your suggestions for my geek outfit - you were a bit too late! I'd already left for the partay before I saw any of the comments :( I did decide to go semi chic. I couldn't not! Here's my and my buddy Katie:
My drunk pal took the full-length pic so my feet are sadly not included in it! I wore my blue jazz shoes, FYI. :)
I'll get back to regular blogging soon, I hope. My phone camera is slowly dying on me which is a bit of a worry but I might get a student overdraft at the bank next week (a VERY exciting prospect!) so maybe I can get a camera. I hope I do get an overdraft because I've already organised a shopping trip to London with my friend Danielle! Jumping the gun a tad..!
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