I've been back from Paris for a few days and am missing it awf'ly. I've come back down to earth with a bit of a crash in the form of family feuds and a poorly cat (Roxy has a urine infection). So for now, I shall reminisce of better days, where the sun was hot (mainly*) and the vintage was oh, so cheap!
So on the first day, we went for dinner on the Champs Elysees and I was looking forward to trying out the Emma Cooks for the first time...
But no sooner had we left the Metro station, it started to rain*! I've had some leather shoes that go all speckled when they get rain on, so just to be on the safe side, I begrudgingly changed into sandals.
The next day, we went to see the trendy Marais district of Paris, stopping en route at the George Pompidou center where you could go up a huuuuge escalator and once you got to the top, see insane views of the city. Here's a pic of me at the very top of this building, but sadly I was WAY too scared to go near the edge, so alas there's no views to share! Just an outfit!
One of the days we were walking about near our hotel (close to the Gare du Nord), and we came across this second hand/vintage shop, Guerrisol (which somewhere along the line we very maturely decided to refer to only as 'gorilla asshole'), where all clothes were €1.50 and shoes were €3! Alex became a bit obsessed with it, insisting we went back every couple of days to check for new stock. We did buy shitloads from this shop, but my camera is dead so I can't take pics of it all. We did get a pic of some boat shoes we bought there though.
Another cool shop we found near our hotel was the Lomography shop! I've never seen one of these in the UK so it was a suprise. It looked fantastic inside and was clear a lot of effort went into the visual merchandising, with cameras displayed in vintage suitcases hung on the wall. I tried to take a couple of pictures from outside but it was a really sunny day so they didn't come out very well.
On our way back to the hotel one night, we passed the Lomo shop and they had their recycling bins left outside. I saw what looked like a something cute and box-like amid the packaging to be thrown away and in a fit of total un-glamourousness (just for a change!), I had a little rummage and extracted this!
Do I need a small box? Probably not. Did it make re-packing my suitcase a nightmare due to it's un-squishable-ness? Yes. But it was cute and free, two things I am programmed not to resist! I guess the moral of this tale is to rifle proudly down bins, you never know what you may find!
One night we went on a boat trip down the Seine, where I managed to fight off the urge to break into a rendition of 'I'm on a boat' by The Lonely Island. Alex, the Emma Cook's and I had a fine time seeing the sights and perving over parisian properties.
Another day, we went back to Le Marais and went to this brilliant little Vintage Shop with the most lethal spiral staircase down into another room crammed with clothes. Here's what I wore, followed by what i saw!
I bought this bejewelled batwing knit, but the picture does not do it justice at all. I'll be posting a more detailed pic of this and all of my other parisian purchases when my cam batteries have been revived!
We also went to Colette where Scott Schuman (The Sartorialist) was doing a book signing for his new street style book! Here's the window display.
So that was Paris in a nutshell.
I wish I'd taken some pics of the food I had, because that was one of the highlights of the trip!
I'd like to thank Claire of Young Shields for giving me loads of great ideas of things to do in Paris, including buy Laduree Macaroons (a-mazing), go to the fab Fashion magazine/bookshop in Le Marais & Wander round Ile St. Louis among many other things!
Thanks for joining me on my trip down memory lane! ♥
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