The camera was not being my friend today. I would love th flash a smile
but, I don't think I am very photogenic.
This blazer is my mom's:) There was a point that
I thought all her 80's gear was bad, but I do find some winners!
I found this flower(which happens to be about the same color
as my mom's blazer) and there were only three others
on that plant behind me. I wished there were all in full bloom
because that would have been a really cool picture.
I am stoked to start on my Andy Warhol self portrait!
My art teacher took a picture of me wearing the shades
in the picture and it turned out really good. He printed out
the picture and we have to draw it on this pretty big
canvas using a grid method. Then paint and watercolor over it.
Favorite project all year.
xoxo Hope
P.S. I hope you guys like the new look of my blog:) I looked at Lyndsey's blog
hello lyndsey and I notice a shabbyblogs link and I really like their backgrounds!
Thanks Lyndsey!
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