I Love Every Kind Of Cat - Got It?

I had a traumatic time recently when someone I work with casually revealed they didn't realise I liked cats. It felt like a slap in the face. Everything I thought I knew about myself was called into question... Have I not brandished my cat oyster card holder enough? Worn my kitty knits enough? Spammed Roxy pics enough?

Of course I'm not THAT self absorbed that I think everyone should know about my obsessions, but either way, just to prevent any future doubt, I decided it was time to up the cat ante in a way everyone would notice... Out came the eBay cat shirt!

Tee - eBay
Skirt - New Look
Shoes - Sarenza* (only available in black now)

A close up of my geekgasmic little flats from Sarenza. They're mega comfy and get bonus nostalgic points because they look like what I wore when I was 3. 

So yeah anyway, I'm Gem and I like cats. Don't forget it or I will be forced to walk about with Roxy on a lead at all times like a weirdo. Singing my anthem.

I'm off to make pancakes now! Even though I spent SIX ENGLISH POUNDS on not one but two trips to the crepe stand near my office. It's clear something is definitely wrong with the 'managing food impulses' part of my brain. But anyway I'm gonna go eat more pancakes to numb the pain, byeeeee :D

Happy pancake day, hope yours has been a cheaper one than mine! xo


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