I've been sooo busy. My poor blog hasn't seen much action because i've been working and organising christmas etc. Please don't abandon my blog! I'll pull myself together after christmas, I promise!
I've been making xmas cards. They're a bit bland this year because I haven't had much time but cute enough. I only do them for my nearest and dearest.
Here's an idea of what they look like. Inside reads 'Have a cool Yule!'
I am dying of pneumonia right now. Hate the cold weather so much. I am wearing a scarf and jacket as I sit and watch TV! It's ridiculous.
Hopefully I'll blog some more before xmas, but je suis not sure because I have so much to do.
Bon soir, poppets. If I don't blog before, have a great Christmas!! Eat loads and have a fab time. I am sooo excited about presents!!!
Bed now.
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