Firstly, sorry I've not blogged much this last week or so. Blogger won't upload my images so I have to go through the rigmarole of photobucketing them so it's not as easy as it used to be to just do a quick post. It takes bloody ages! Plus I'm flapping about like a headless chicken worrying about christmas and whether Alex's presents from the internet will arrive in time.
I hit the charity shops yesterday and Primark today. It was very much a cheap and cheerful affair. Here are the bits and bobs I bought. I didn't buy much because I've mainly been focusing on buying things for others. I am nowhere near as prepared for christmas as I thought!!
Firstly my Catty jumper. I've been looking for a cute Jumper for a while now. Found it on the 50p rail in the RSPCA charity shop.
I also popped into Topshop and got these cuties:
Got some Turquoise tights:
New bangle:
Cute bags. Only £1.50!!
New brolly:
Sheer navy blouse with red hearts:
So that's that! I'm gonna make some christmas cards now. Roxy is howling the flat down because she is desperate for a rude love with a boy cat ('in season' as they say). It's gross. She's waving her butt in the air. It is impossible to find her cute right now. She is screaming her head off! Driving me crazy.
Anyway Bon soir peoples xxx
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