
I've been super busy lately so haven't really had time to blog and what with working a lot have not been wearing much worth blogging! I usually get home and put my PJ's on and collapse on the sofa!

Also, I'm really itching to do some clothes shopping. I feel like everything I wear is sooo boring. I like new things.
Really need to do some shopping!

Also fretting about what to get Alex for xmas. Boys are ridiculously hard to buy for!! He keeps going on about all the "amaaazing" things he's got me. But I'm so easy to buy for. I always rabbit on about stuff I like! But he has everything he wants. He tells me off cos I always get him loads of silly little gifts (a fart extinguisher, for example!!) Oh well. I have a few tricks up my sleeve.

I am off work tomorrow so will hopefully post some piccies etc.



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