What Your Lipstick Says About Your Personality

Do you have a favorite shade of lipstick?  

If so...what does the color of your favorite little tube say about you as a woman?

Perhaps because I work in the psychology field, I tend to think about this kind of stuff.  And in looking at my photos the other day I had a realization...my lipstick looks freakin' boring!!

And to be honest...I know exactly WHY I don't wear bold lipstick.  It is because a boy whom I'll refer to as Eric (cause that was his name) called me "donkey lips" my entire freshman year of high school.  Eric was a nice boy and I think he was joking (maybe?) but it made me feel very self conscious about the size of my lips (this was waaay before women started to get injections to make their lips bigger!).  So I spent my early adolescence trying to hide my lips under light neutral shades.

Fast forward to today and I'm still doing it. 

So in looking for new shades to try, I thought I would share my unscientific assessment of "What Your Lipstick Says About You"

I plan to pick up a few shades this weekend when I go shopping.  Any recommendations on shades/brands that are your favorite?

So which one are you?! 

xo - Marion


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