Can You Wear Leggings Without Covering Your Backside?

Every now and then, I like to compile all the great fashion questions you send me into a post.  I certainly have my own opinion...but I'd love to hear yours as well!  So without further ado, let the debate begin:

Q:  Can you wear thick leggings without covering your backside?

My take?

I don't care if your name is Gisele or if you have an arse that makes quarters quiver in fear.  When I see someone who is wearing leggings without covering their backside I immediately:

a) Gawk in moderate horror (WHO let her leave the house like that?!)
b) Stare with a sense of confusion until my husband elbows me (I mean, did she look in the mirror and think, "Yes!  This is totally the look I'm going for...I look damn good")?
c) Both of the above

Answer: C

To cover your backside in style, all you need is a longer top and a blazer or cardigan.  
Here are two easy + relaxed style examples:

Q:  Should you wear dark tights under jean shorts?

I am a huge fan of this look!  Trust me, if I weren't 8 months pregnant right now, I'd be wearing my tights + jeans shorts with booties on those mild winter days.  Nicole Richie was one of the first to rock this look on a regular basis.  And let's face it...if Blair from Atlantic Pacific is a fan of the style, it can't be wrong!

So do you agree/disagree with my answers?  I'd love to hear!

xo - Marion

image credit: leggings; denim; denim2


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