Can a Guest Wear White to a Wedding?

Dear Marion,
I have a fashion dilemma for an upcoming wedding that I'm attending, and I'm sure some of your readers have the same question...

I have the attached dress and would like to wear it to an upcoming wedding. I've heard the "no white to a wedding rule", but I'm wondering if it would be acceptable. What are your thoughts?


Dear Krissy,
First off, thank so much for your question!  It is DEFINITELY one that I'm sure many of us consider when we are shopping for dresses during the wedding season.

For nearly 7 years, I was a wedding + event planner, thus this topic was one that came up from time to time.  
Modern etiquette allows for guests to wear white to a wedding as long as the dress is not overly bridal looking (tulle, lace, etc.)  THAT SAID, I personally would stay away from the color.  Why?  Simply because it's the bride's day and she really should stand out in the crowd in more ways than one.  Call it tradition or fashion etiquette...but it would be one day in 365 where you should choose a different color (this includes white, cream, beige, eggshell, you name it). 

Even if I know that the bride was incredibly fine with it, I know that I would be looking around the room wondering who is giving me the evil eye.  And believe me...Grandma Ethel over by the punch bowl is totally talking smack.  But if that doesn't bother you and you know that the bride is fine with it, then go for it!  But if not...then I would find another dress. 

I know it's not the answer you are looking for (and that dress is gorgeous) but I would save it for a special church service or an afternoon tea event.  

Thanks again Krissy!
XO - Marion

So I'm really curious to hear your thoughts on this topic!  
Would you wear white to a wedding?


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